On the Sea of Galilee

On the Sea of Galilee
America Must Stand By Israel!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yeshua's Mock Sanhedrin Trial

Who Killed Yeshua?

Many people have believed throughout centuries that Yeshua was tried and convicted by a Jewish Sanhedrin. This is true in name only; it was ironically Gentiles - Romans and Greeks - who comprised the majority of the Sanhedrin that night!

To start with, the government was very corrupt at this time and many "puppet" leaders were in place - including the Sanhedrin where many of the leaders weren't even truly Jewish! The Romans appointed whoever they wanted to be the high priest, and it was the Romans who instituted the wicked Annas as high priest as well as his wicked son-in-law successor Caiaphas!

To add to that, the night of Yeshua's trial was held during the week of Pesach (Passover)! Authentic Jewish leaders would never have held a trial during this time; work is not even permitted during the first two days of this festival and is limited during the rest of the festival! They would have been home with their families celebrating Pesach and eating the traditional kosher meal!

Finally, notice how Yeshua's trial was held at night - literally in secret! A true Jewish Sanhedrin would NEVER have held capital trials beyond daylight hours and certainly not during Pesach! It was against Jewish law - against Torah! The law also teaches that a sentence of death must be pronounced after 24 hours had elapsed since the trial - they waited only a few hours! The law also teaches that trials could not be held on the day before Sabbath NOR on any of the great festivals. (The council also consisted of 71 members, and it would have been impossible to convince 71 men to all agree to break the laws of Torah, miss Pesach dinner and tradition with family, AND it would have taken several hours to gather 71 men to be there for a trial in the first place!)

Clearly this was an illegal, hastily done, kangaroo court that violated multiple Jewish laws regarding capital offense trials!!

There are more reasons than those listed above, but the point is to show that Yeshua was NOT convicted by Jews alone. In fact, He was convicted mostly by Gentiles - the VERY people group He came to graft into the covenant established with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the entire Jewish nation! What irony!

What an "ah-ha!" moment to have! That down through the centuries Jews have been repeatedly persecuted and called "Christ-killers" when in actuality, it was mostly us, the Gentiles, the Goyim, that sentenced Yeshua to death!

Yeshua's trial was fake...and they found no grounds by which to accuse Him!

But then of course, regardless of who on earth sentenced Yeshua to death, it was pre-determined in heaven by our merciful Heavenly Father who willed that Yeshua from the beginning of time would die at the appointed hour for the iniquity of all.

So ultimately it was our sin and the will of the Father that killed Yeshua.

And how grateful we are that the Father willed it and that Yeshua was perfectly obedient - for by the Father's will and by Yeshua's obedient sacrifice we are saved through repentance!

John 6:38 - "For I have not come to do my will, but the will of my Father who sent me."


To take this a step further - Acts 5 describes the first arrest of Peter and John who were also arrested in the evening just like Yeshua! However, rather than assembling a hastily put together kangaroo Sanhedrin court that same evening like they did with Yeshua's trial, they put Peter and John in prison and WAITED UNTIL DAYBREAK to assemble the Sanhedrin. As stated previously, the entire 71 members of the Jewish Sanhedrin would never have agreed to hold a trial at night - it was against Torah! When the 71 members were finally assembled the next morning, even though such members as Annas and Caiaphas and their affiliates wanted Peter and John killed, there were still some righteous members of the Sanhedrin, such as Paul's teacher, Rabbi Gamaliel, who spoke up and essentially saved the lives of Peter and John by saying, Acts 5:38-39:

"Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God."

Peter and John's trial before the Sanhedrin was held much more according to the law and therefore their lives were spared to live and preach another day. How unjust was the trial of Yeshua our Messiah! Yet, how else could it have been? Had Yeshua been given a fair trial, the 71 members would probably never have been agreed to sentence Him to death. As unjust as it was, the Father allowed it so that even through the evil intentions of unrighteous men, ALL evil would be overcome by the death and resurrection of His Son Yeshua HaMashiach!!

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